AST Services
Operators of Aboveground Storage Tanks are required by Federal law to perform regular inspections of tank facilities, in accordance with the SPCC Facilities Plan created for each facility.
EPS offers monthly and annual inspection programs for AST facilities, adhering to the Steel Tank Institute’s standard protocol, SP001. This standard applies to shop-built ASTs containing up to 50,000 gallons of fuel, and field-erected ASTs up to 264,000 gallons.
Our inspection programs ensure that they are done on schedule and as specified in your SPCC plan. We verify compliance with applicable regulations and ensure that there are no issues requiring attention. We then provide the required documentation, which is also permanently stored in our online client portal system, and is easily accessible 24/7.
An EPS monthly inspection verifies the external condition of the AST and its containment structure, ensuring that the interstice or spill container does not contain water or product. We also verify that no debris or fire hazards exist in the containment area, that tank attachments are secure and free of corrosion, and that a liquid level gauge is functioning properly, and more.
An annual inspection is far more detailed, including such aspects as verifying foundation integrity, corrosion protection system operation, level and overfill prevention system operation, leak detection system integrity, and much more.
Our Inspection Programs Include
- Condition of the containment structure
- Presence of any water in the tank, secondary containment, interstice or spill container
- Liquid level and overfill system operation
- Drain valves being operable and closed
- Cathodic protection system operation
- Vents free of obstruction and operable
- Permanent data storage with 24/7 Internet access
- ATG Certification
SP001 AST Inspections and Training
The EPA Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Act (SPCC) stipulates the requirements for the regular inspection of above-ground storage tanks (ASTs). In response, the Steel Tank Institute has developed a standard protocol, SP001, governing these inspections for shop-built and field-erected ASTs containing up to 50,000 gallons of fuel. Many states have adopted even more stringent inspection requirements, making knowledge of specific federal, state and local regulations of utmost importance.
We can help you meet these unique regulatory requirements. Our certified technicians perform tank inspections per the SP001 protocol and provide a certified inspection report detailing all findings and recommendations. With EPS, we guarantee our work to follow the applicable industry safety and quality standards.
Our Technicians will:
- Test or inspect each above ground container for integrity on a regular schedule and whenever you make material repairs.
- Determine the appropriate qualifications for personnel performing tests and inspections, the frequency and type of testing and inspections, which take into account container size, configuration, and design (such as containers that are: shop-built, field-erected, skid-mounted, elevated, equipped with a liner, double-walled, or partially buried).
- Perform integrity tests including, but not limited to, visual inspection, ultrasonic testing, acoustic emissions testing, or other systems of non-destructive testing.
Site Surveys & UST Inspections
The precise condition of a UST site at any given point in time is very important, especially when considering whether to purchase a new site. With site ownership comes liability for what is happening underground and out of view—the last thing you want is to purchase a contaminated site and incur the enormous environmental and regulatory liability that comes with it.
Our UST site assessment inspections are performed by our environmental experts who conduct a full assessment of the entire UST system. As part of the detailed assessment, information is collected regarding site history, storage system specifications, leak detection records, cathodic protection records, upgrade and repair records – everything necessary to provide a complete picture of the integrity of the UST system.
If a problem with a tank is suspected, our expert technicians will perform a detailed inspection of the interior of the tank. In the case of fiberglass tanks, an evaluation can also be made to test for any tank deformation that could be an indication of integrity problems to come.
With every site inspection report comes detailed recommendations as to the repairs required to continue safe operation of the facility. With all the facts in hand, the owner/operator can make informed decisions about the site in question.
Our inspection includes checking for the following:
- Applicable federal, state and local regulations and whether the site is in compliance
- Configurations of all tanks
- Detailed review and evaluation of piping, pumps and dispensers
- Assessment of leak detection systems, their current condition and alarm history
- Vapor recovery system and vent review and compliance assessment
UST Monthly Site Inspections & Compliance Management
One of the least understood regulatory requirements by UST operators is the necessity for regular, periodic inspections of UST facilities.
This requirement stems from the Energy Act of 2005, which established training and certification standards for Class A, B and C operators. What many operators don’t realize about this regulation is that most of their facilities must be visually inspected by a qualified inspector on a regular, periodic basis – and that hard-copy proof of those inspections must be available to regulatory inspectors at every site, upon request.
These inspections are required to include things like:
- Spill prevention equipment
- Sumps and dispenser cabinets
- Monitoring observation wells
- Cathodic protection equipment
- Release detection equipment
- Thorough review of on-site records
- Exception reporting – actual reports & management process
Specific documentation includes not only inspection records, but also documents as maintenance records, required test results, UST registrations, leak detection results, and more.
Utilizing our exceptional knowledge of local, state and federal UST regulations, EPS provides these required inspection services to UST operators throughout the southeast. We help ensure consistent compliance with all regulatory requirements, avoiding fines and penalties which can range from Notice of Violations (NOVs), to monetary fines, to red tags – and in extreme situations civil or criminal action.
Our monthly inspection program helps you identify and fix small problems while they’re still minor maintenance issues – instead of large environmental problems.
Our Compliance Management Program includes:
- In-depth regulatory knowledge to help ensure you are in compliance everywhere you have a facility
- Inspection reports, including customized reporting, that contain photos of the actual conditions the inspectors encounter at your facilities and are available to you online immediately following the inspection through our online client portal
- Trained, qualified professionals conduct inspections of your facility on a schedule that meets the specific regulatory requirements of each site
- Knowledge, tools, parts and equipment to fix many potential violations as requested during an inspection
ATG Installation and Certification
Having the right automatic leak detection system, selecting the appropriate equipment, expert technicians and install, and knowing the proper operation and application of your equipment are all vital components in protecting your site.
An Automatic Tank Gauge (ATG) provides improved environmental risk reduction while giving you insight into your fuel tank inventories.
At EPS, we are experts in installing automatic tank gauges. Our technicians are industry experts on installing gauges from the leading gauge manufacturers. As a service company – and not an equipment supplier – you can trust us to offer you the right equipment for the specific needs of your site. You can rest easy knowing that we will be there even after installation to ensure that your gauge continues to operate in optimum condition per manufacturer’s specifications.
Risk Reduction
Using an ATG can help reduce environmental risk as well as provide valuable insight into fuel tank inventories, allowing for better management of fuel delivery. At EPS, we have the skill and expertise to install tank gauges at any site. Our highly skilled installation crews are manufacturer-certified on a variety of gauging equipment to ensure correct installation the first time.
What you receive with our ATG Installation and Certification Program
- Personnel certified by the ATG manufacturer in the installation and proper operation of the system.
- Expert technicians with the experience to perform excellent service and start-up following installation.
- As a service company, we can assist you in the process of choosing the right ATG for your company’s unique needs.
Inspections & Training Services
EPS has you covered in a variety of situations where inspections and training are needed. Whether you require a comprehensive site inspection before a property transfer, routine regulatory inspections for above ground storage tanks (ASTs), or formalized training for UST system operators, EPS is here to help.
Some of the training and inspections we offer are: UST Site Inspection Services, STI SP001 AST Inspections, Site Surveys & UST Inspections, and Operator Training.